Hi Everyone


As we come to the end of another busy year here at LD:NorthEast I would like to share our achievements with you all for the year 21/22


We have had an amazing year and achieved many things together over the past twelve months. In challenging post-Covid times and now throughout the current cost of living crisis, our organisation has and will remain dedicated to supporting people with learning disabilities, difficulties, autism, and their families .


We cannot do any of our work without the incredible support of our community, staff, volunteers, trustees, funders and everyone involved in our charity. We would like to thank everyone for your participation and kindness during this reporting period.


Life is hard just now for many people, mental health is low and added pressures of staff sickness and capacity are taking its toll on many services including ours. We are trying really hard to ensure non of our services are impacted but  this is really hard and at times we have struggled to deliver. I can only apologise for this and ask for patience we really are all working very hard to make sure this doesn’t happen.


When I look at the past years highlights and figures I am truly humbled and proud to see what we all have achieved and know that we will continue to deliver quality support in 2023.


We really do have an amazing staff team who go above and beyond to make sure people are not only supported but belong to our LDNE family. Our volunteers are amazing and we could not do the work we do without them.


Merry Christmas and all the very best for 2023 , if you are struggling please reach out and know you are not alone.


Jacqui Thompson

Chief Executive