
Safer Tomorrows Project

We are committed to supporting people with learning disabilities who are victims of hate crime, mate crime or exploitation. We support people to recognise and report crimes committed against them simply because of who they are. Safer Tomorrows helps people to feel safe and confident about being part of their community and feel comfortable about reporting incidents and crimes through the appropriate channels.

We work closely with our local police and community engagement teams to help people to identify what a disability hate crime is and gain the confidence to report incidents and crimes. The reporting of incidents is very low across North Tyneside (which is also the case nationally) and we aim to ensure more crimes are identified and reported.

Our aim is to re-assure people that we have 4 key priorities when tackling hate crime, mate crime, scams and exploitation:

  • We will listen to you and believe you

  • We will support you to report and hate crime / mate crime, scam or any form of exploitation

  • We will work with the local police, CPS, courts and other partners throughout your journey, supporting you every step of the way

  • We will provide emotional support during and after the process

LD:NorthEast staying safe

We are part of the Safe Places Scheme, which is a service to help vulnerable people with communication difficulties stay safe when they are out and about. People can visit a Safe Place if they are lost, feel scared or upset and don’t know what to do, or if they have been a victim of crime. Our office is a registered Safe Place and we display the sticker in our window.

If you would like further information about the project itself or the workshops we deliver please contact Jacqui Thompson on 0191 2622261 or email jacqui.thompson@ldne.org.uk