I got to meet one lady called Heather who I saw every week. She would come for walks with me and Lindsey, and I got so excited to see her I would jump out of the car and run to her house. When I turned one she even celebrated my birthday and bought me a new toy. I loved going to visit every week and making her happy, and the tummy tickles I got were a real bonus!
Some people weren’t as lucky as us and they had to stay at home for a lot longer to keep themselves safe, so we visited them in their garden instead. Lindsey kept telling me to do this thing called social distancing but I had no idea what she meant, all I wanted was cuddles and kisses!
When things went back to normal and Lindsey went back to the office I missed all of my new friends. So every once in a while I get to go to work with her and meet up with them. I sleep under her desk until I hear a familiar voice, and then I go running down the stairs as fast as I can to see them.