COVID-19 Latest Service Updates
Service Update June 2021 – Post COVID Recovery
Here at LD:NorthEast we have now adapted all our services and projects to be able to return as much as possible in a COVID safe environment. It has been a long year for everyone especially vulnerable people living alone in their community, so it’s important we return to a ‘new normal’ and support people as best as we can post lockdown.
All our staff have now had both vaccines and take twice weekly lateral flow tests. We have worked with local Primary Care Network teams to encourage the people we support to access their vaccines so they can feel safer returning to their day to day lives.
We continue to risk assess everything we do in the community following government guidelines at all times, making sure the people we support have the same rights as everyone else to ease out of restrictions and return to some sort of normality.
Our aim now is to support people with post COVID recovery. Alleviating anxieties and fear to promote their mental and physical wellbeing. To support people to feel confident again in their community.
If you would like any advice and support with your recovery, please do not hesitate to contact and we will guide you to the appropriate service / project.
Jacqui Thompson
Chief Executive
Service Updates 1st September 2020
We are now entering Phase 4 ‘The New Normal’ of our COVID-19 recovery plan.
We have worked closely with North Tyneside Council Commissioning Team and CLDT to risk assess everything we do, to keep people safe while still meeting individual needs.
Phase 4 ‘The New Normal’ includes adapting the way we deliver free and commissioned activities. We are now limiting the numbers of people who access group support and being flexible around how we deliver 1:1 support wherever possible. We are also working with funders to deliver project outcomes in a creative and flexible way, using technology to provide virtual sessions and activities where possible.
Supporting vulnerable, socially isolated people to recover from lockdown is a continuous challenge but is our absolute focus during this time. This is my last COVID-19 monthly update but please watch out for new our monthly blogs about our services and projects, starting at the end of this month.
Thank-you to all of the people and families we support, and to our LD:NorthEast staff, volunteers and supporters for your continued patience and support, it really does mean a lot.
Stay Safe
Jacqui Thompson
Interim CEO
Service Updates 3rd August 2020
We are now working through our the phases of our COVID recovery plan. The Community Outreach Team are continuing to update their service and support people in a flexible way to ensure we meet their needs and also stay safe. We know that people will need more support with building their confidence to ease out of lock down and back into their communities so we have adapted our sessions to help with this.
Being able to get back out into the local community is essential for people’s mental and physical well-being. During August we will be working with the people we support on our small group sessions and short break / respite service to see how we can do this in a safe way. We will risk assess every individual situation and share our assessments with North Tyneside Council Community Learning Disability Team. We continue to focus on the safety and well-being of everyone we support, our staff and our volunteers. Their safety is our absolute priority and we continue to take our recovery slowly; making sure we adhere to Government guidelines.
We are now taking referrals for Community Outreach. Please click here to see our new flyer.
We would like to say a huge thank-you to the National Lottery Community Fund, the National Emergencies Trust, Northumbria Police & Crime Commissioner, North Tyneside Council, The Edward Gostling Foundation, Bernicia Homes and Stellium Data Centres for supporting us with much needed funding over the last couple of months. We are incredibly grateful because it enables us to provide more support to the people we work with during this difficult time.
If you would like to support our work by fundraising for us then please click here to find our more about our Lucky 13 Challenge.
Take Care and Stay safe
Jacqui Thompson, Interim CEO
For the latest Government guidance and support please click here